March 18, 2022 -- KWAA recently sent letter to the 28th Judicial District Nominating Commission encouraging them to nominate women and persons of color for current judicial vacancies.
- The letter for the 28th Judicial District can be viewed here.
With the letters, KWAA included The Gavel Gap: Who Sits in Judgment on State Courts, a demographic study issued by the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy that shows women and persons of color are underrepresented on state trial court benches.
This so-called "gavel gap" directly impacts our judicial system and the rule of law. When state courts do not look like the communities they serve, people lose confidence in the fairness and impartiality of our courts. KWAA calls for judicial district nominating commissions to help close the gavel gap in Kansas.
The action was recommended by KWAA's Public Policy and Gender committee and furthers KWAA's mission to promote the efficient adminstration of justice, the constant improvement of the law, and equality and social justice for all people.